Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 7:30 PM
19:30 - 21:00
Dan Groover, founder of Beyond the Walls, will host a talk to share his artistic path, rich of 30 years of experience. His quest is to unite people through artistic expression in order to help elevate creativity in individuals. He has over time translated his vision into the Soulam Project (The Ladder) as we may all sometimes feel that we are going through a maze as part of our everyday lives and that if we climb up a ladder we gain greater perspectives. To further his quest, he has established the Beyond the Walls community, where the Spot Hostel hosts monthly exhibitions and workshops.
The talk will include a presentation of some of Dan Groover's artworks and he will share with you how the Soulam is present in his artistic approach. He will also describe Express Create Reveal approach which are the three steps of elevation onto this ladder. And finally, he will sketch in live to demonstrate this vision and the process.
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Today, Dan Groover's israeli art is a new vision. It combines a mix of bold street art and soulful messages. Pop Art - Street Art : Dan Groover is well known for his Pop and Street Art series, rich in colours and visual depiction of Iconic figures. These series were the natural transition from...

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